Cornfield & Partners


Christmas Elfs Go International

5th June 2017
Christmas Elfs Go International

Originally published on on March 16, 2017, by Graeme Whitfield

In 2016, Big Little Toys Company, created by mom Sarah Greenwell during her maternity leave, has had ringing success in the UK with its “An Elf for Christmas Toy.” Currently, these elf toys are moving into the European market with support from the Department for International Trade’s North East office. Big Little Toys is also searching for business opportunities in English-speaking markets such as New Zealand, South Africa and Australia.

“Sarah’s creativity and drive has helped her create something that will capture the imagination of children the world over and bring magic to many family Christmases. Her success is not only well-deserved, but a real inspiration for others. If you have that spark of an idea and the drive to see it through, the world is your marketplace and we are here to help you break into these global markets.” –International Trade Director Julie Underwood

Read more about the intriguing elf toy success story.
